Wow just Wow. I followed your journey on live tracker, awesome job.

Site Title

Completing the Montane Spine Challenger at first attempt, as a first competitive Ultra.2016 had been a good year, finally managed to summit mont blanc in July, and had signed up for the Montane spine challenger at the start of the year, which is a 108 mile non stop race across the pennines in winter, start date was Jan 14th 2017 so I had in essence a whole year to prepare.Race history was limited going into this, I had only completed one trail marathon in the lake district, and a couple of 10ks, my main events prior to this were mountain marathon type events, mainly the OMM, and Rab mini’s, although I had a lot of mountain and nav experience gained in my time spent in the forces.

Training actually started in august after the family holiday, and didnt go well my first run ending in me damaging my right…

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